Understanding AML in the UK Charity Sector

The charity sector is often called the Tertiary Sector, the volunteer sector, the not-for-profit sector, the community sector or the civic sector. The aim of this sector is to generate social wealth rather than material wealth. Let's analyse it in the context of anti money laundering and compliance.


A Spotlight on Modern Slavery

Over 50 million people suffering and $150 billion in profits. Is the world coping with modern slavery? What steps should you take to improve the reality? Find out what role the financial sector has to play in detecting modern slavery.


Digital Transformation in banking sector

What are the main opportunities and threats attached to the digital transformation? Why do banks undergo digital transformation and how it impacts Finance, HR and Business Change functional areas? This article seeks to explore possible answers to those questions. Join us to learn more on this topic as we speak to NatWest Polska Leadership Team. 


Fight FinCrime Forum 2023 is here!

The fight against financial crime is a key element in maintaining the integrity of financial systems, preventing money laundering, fraud and corruption, and ensuring a fair and transparent global economy. It builds trust in financial institutions and contributes to the overall stability of the global financial ecosystem.


Power of Flash mentoring in FinCrime

As John Maxwell says, “We all need someone to help us in our pursuit of intentional growth and the right mentor helps you take massive leaps forward.”
In the realm of financial crime prevention, flash mentoring is revolutionizing the way professionals stay informed and prepared. This article explores its transformative impact on skills and strategies in the ongoing battle against financial wrongdoing. Join us to discover the power of flash mentoring in FinCrime.


Generative AI/ChatGPT impact on Financial Crime

Whether it's simple conversations, programming, images, music, or even recipes; artificial intelligence (AI), driven by the ability to generate content, is commonly mentioned in a variety of environments. Technology is always evolving, and the current pace of this process can make it hard to keep up with. The multitude of possibilities for the use of artificial intelligence is huge, and the creativity of people enhances it enormously. Check what impact it has on Financial Crime.


Fight FinCrime Forum 2022

Fight FinCrime Forum brings together students and professionals interested in financial crime prevention who want to increase their AML/CTF awareness and knowledge. It provides an excellent opportunity to learn about recent market trends, international regulatory and legislative developments, best implementation practices, and share knowledge and solutions with experts from across the regulatory, law enforcement, innovators, and providers in the Financial Crime space.

Fight FinCrime 2021

This event follows on from successful inaugural virtual team competition in November 2020. In 2021 the event brought together almost 1500 delegates from over 40 companies across 10 countries. 25 teams took the challenge and had fun competing in the Fight FinCrime Quiz. We hosted industry leading experts from the private and public sectors who shared their knowledge with Fight FinCrime participants during four webinars and a discussion panel.

Fight FinCrime 2020

To celebrate the 15th anniversary of NatWest in Poland we organised an event increasing AML/CTF awareness and knowledge among staff of financial institutions to help protect both institutions and local communities, was born. The first edition took form of an AML team quiz with 20 questions stretching over four categories covering both recent AML events and regulatory developments. Over 90 minutes of the November Monday evening 200 attendees from Poland and UK divided in 41 teams participated in the competition, being the first such interorganisational AML event ever organised by a bank in Poland.


Anti Money Laundering (AML)

Anti Money Laundering refers to a programme of processes, systems and controls intended to prevent Money Laundering and comply with legal requirements designed to support that objective.

Beneficial Owner

Beneficial Owners are those who have a shareholding, beneficial interest, voting rights (or otherwise) in an entity, partnership or trust. Beneficial Owner may or may not exercise control over the management of the legal entity.

Correspondent Banking

Correspondent Banking is the provision of banking-related services by one bank (Correspondent) to an overseas bank (Respondent) to enable the Respondent to provide its own customers with cross-border products and services that it cannot provide them with itself, typically due to a lack of an international network.

Customer Due Diligence (CDD)

CDD encompasses knowledge, understanding and information obtained on a Customer throughout the lifecycle of the relationship, including transactions and use of products. Identifying the Customer and verifying this information from the commencement of the relationship is the initial step to understanding and knowing the Customer.


Any person appointed to direct its affairs, including a person who is a member of its governing body and a person in accordance with whose directions or instructions (not being advice given in a professional capacity) the directors of that body are accustomed to act.

Due diligence

An investigation of an external supplier to identify and assess the risks of entering a business relationship, including the risk of becoming involved in bribery, corruption and other illegal and improper activities through the supplier. Note: Due diligence takes place both before signing a contract, during a life of a contract and at exit. Includes on-site and remote security reviews; assurance through an independent certification; how security events will be reported; how and what MI will be provided to the bank. Not to be confused with customer due diligence (CDD).


The result of dishonest activity which is intended to make a financial gain, or cause a financial loss, by false representation, failing to disclose information or abuse of position.

Quiz time: AFC

Check your knowledge of the basic terms used in the AFC - have fun and enjoy!

Quiz time: Persons

Check your knowledge of the important persons in the world of the AFC - have fun and enjoy!

Quiz time: Hot News!

Check your knowledge of the hot news that impacted AFC - have fun and enjoy!

About us

We are a group of seasoned professionals with deep industry knowledge and experience in delivering practical, anti-financial crime and counter-terrorist financial solutions
